China’s (Unreal)Multilateralism and (De)Americanization of New World Order: Rhetoric Analysis of Russia’s War on Ukraine
Published 2022-12-31
- De-Americanization, World Order, China, Russia, India.
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Decentralized and multilateral world order is the emerging concept in the context of Russia’s war on Ukraine. The perception of de-Americanized world order is visible in the rhetoric of Russian and Chinese premiers. This study thoroughly analyses the narratives on Russian war against Ukraine primarily centered around democratization of international relations and de-Americanization of new world order. The Russia’s war on Ukraine has started re-shaping the world order largely in the direction of decoupling the America-centric bellicosity. The colonial mindset of the west in the foreign and security affairs has already been questioned by the idea of the de-westernization, but since within the west also there is a divide on accepting American belligerence there is a need to thinking the new world order as de-Americanization. The American direction and dominance in the matters of international peace and security has largely been parochial. But in the context of Russia-Ukraine war now the post-western and extra-western narratives have put forth the validity and dominance of the ideas of non-western countries of the world. The rejection of western ideas and technologies is no longer a new phenomenon. Many countries in the world have developed their own social space for communicating the indigenous ideas without getting influenced by western or American narratives.