Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Vol 2, Iss 2, Year 2023

An analytical study of interrelation between media and power politics

Abhishek K. Singh
Associate Professor, School of Modern Media, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
Aditya Narayan Misra
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Sri Aurobindo College, University of Delhi, India
Tej Narayan Ojha
Professor, Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi, India

Published 2023-12-31


  • Media, Social Media, Political participation, Power politics, Public opinion.

How to Cite

Abhishek K. Singh, Aditya Narayan Misra, and Tej Narayan Ojha, “An analytical study of interrelation between media and power politics”, International Journal of Politics and Media, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 13–18, Dec. 2023.


In the present era of the media revolution, the media certainly has a deep impact on political engagement and power management. The media is being used as a tool to manage people's participation and the development of political perspectives. The media has an immense potential for influencing social elections, and the political parties are using the media for power management by providing information and convincing the voters to make government. The media has been an omnipresent and influential tool in the global world. The importance of mass media is not only static in the sense of information dissemination and communication but also affects a person's socio-political behaviour by sharing socio-political and cultural events. The present paper mainly explores the impact of media on power politics and the promotion of political participation. In the end, the media played a very important role in the development and change of people's perceptions in society and in the political sphere. The methodology used in the paper was triangulation methodology, and both primary and secondary research data have been taken into consideration.


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