Call for Reviewers


Centre for Advanced Research and Education (CARE) invites reviewers for its peer-reviewed biannual International Journal of Politics and Media (IJPM). IJPM publishes original research articles of exceptional quality in the field of politics and media. Reviewing is an essential aspect of research publications to ensure quality of the journal.

Please email your curriculum vitae highlighting research credentials to the undersigned.


Prof. Debashis Chakrabarti, PhD, Commonwealth Fellow, UK

Director (Honorary), CARE

Editor in Chief, IJPM


Call for Editorial Board Members


Centre for Advanced Research and Education (CARE) invites applications for its editorial board for its peer-reviewed biannual International Journal of Politics and Media (IJPM).IJPM publishes original research articles of exceptional quality in the field of politics and media. Reviewing is an essential aspect of research publications to ensure quality of the journal.

Please email your curriculum vitae highlighting research credentials and relevant experience to the undersigned.


Prof. Debashis Chakrabarti, PhD

Commonwealth Fellow, UK

Director (Honorary), CARE

Editor in Chief, IJPM


Guidelines for Editors

Guidelines for Reviewers

 Expected Contribution of Reviewers